* Toulon achieved 90% emissions reduction 2022 vs 2018.
* Ponta Delgada reduced 96.16% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Madeira reduced 96.74% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Beja reduced 98.1% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Investment in carbon removal. Airports invested in credible Nature-Based Solutions projects with co-benefits (reforestation and revegetation) for removal of residual emissions.
* Establishment of a Carbon Management Plan. Airports aligned to the investments and actions to achieve emissions targets.
* Extended carbon footprint. Airports mapped all relevant upstream and downstream categories of Scope 3 emissions as per requirements of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Guidance.
* Establishment of a Stakeholder Partnership Plan. Airports committed to engage all the value chain to actively drive third parties at the airport to emissions reductions.
On the occasion of the 28th United Nations conference on climate change (COP28), during the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum, the list of the 10 airports having reached the highest and latest level of the ACA programme has been announced. ACA is the reference programme which assesses the decarbonisation of airport activities and the contribution of airports to the overall ‘Zero Net Carbon Emission’ trajectory of aviation by 2050.
* Ponta Delgada reduced 96.16% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Madeira reduced 96.74% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Beja reduced 98.1% emissions between 2022 and 2014.
* Investment in carbon removal. Airports invested in credible Nature-Based Solutions projects with co-benefits (reforestation and revegetation) for removal of residual emissions.
* Establishment of a Carbon Management Plan. Airports aligned to the investments and actions to achieve emissions targets.
* Extended carbon footprint. Airports mapped all relevant upstream and downstream categories of Scope 3 emissions as per requirements of the GHG Protocol Scope 3 Guidance.
* Establishment of a Stakeholder Partnership Plan. Airports committed to engage all the value chain to actively drive third parties at the airport to emissions reductions.
On the occasion of the 28th United Nations conference on climate change (COP28), during the Global Sustainable Aviation Forum, the list of the 10 airports having reached the highest and latest level of the ACA programme has been announced. ACA is the reference programme which assesses the decarbonisation of airport activities and the contribution of airports to the overall ‘Zero Net Carbon Emission’ trajectory of aviation by 2050.