Now in its seventh year in existence, Revolution.Aero will bring together over 250 senior attendees who are leading – funding and supporting – the future of flight. If you want to find out how aviation is changing – and meet the people shaping the future of aviation – you need to be at Revolution.Aero London 2024.
… Revolution.Aero London 2024 has a strong focus on finance. A large portion of our audience is VCs/Investors, aircraft lessors, investment banks, and customers – making this conference an incredibly effective business opportunity. Attendees have secured investments (eg Elroy Air), signed LOIs (eg ELECTRON and MintAir), signed mandates and formed companies as a direct result of Revolution.Aero events.
… Revolution.Aero London 2024 has a strong focus on finance. A large portion of our audience is VCs/Investors, aircraft lessors, investment banks, and customers – making this conference an incredibly effective business opportunity. Attendees have secured investments (eg Elroy Air), signed LOIs (eg ELECTRON and MintAir), signed mandates and formed companies as a direct result of Revolution.Aero events.